
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Other Prisoners taunt Lindsay Lohan by calling her "Fire cro**h"

It seems like Lindsay Lohan is having a very difficult time coping to the harsh conditions of prison, and as a result has been stuck in isolation with much more hardened criminals. Ex-inmate Cheryl Presser, who was released from Lynwood Friday, told the Daily Mirror, “She is in with the killers and she has only been let out for hour-long breaks, and during those she was locked down to a table. Today (Friday), Lindsay got put on lockdown. While some of us got two hours to go to the yard, or the TV room, Lindsay was on total lockdown. She had a hysterical fit, crying and yelling so she got put in isolation.”

Cheryl said Lindsay spends every night sobbing in her cell which is keeping other prisoners up and not very happy. They responded by taunting the actress and screaming “fire crotch.”

As for the conditions at Lynwood, they are not very good at all. ““The wards are cold and smelly – they stink. The air conditioning is turned up so high that you can’t sleep because of the cold. Inmates try and shove the air vents full of toilet paper to stop the air coming out, but it doesn’t work,” explains Cheryl. “Lindsay would lie there shivering all night, crying and trying to cover her face with her hands. Her wailing was keeping everyone awake.”

It seems like Lindsay is likely praying her sentence gets cut even shorter.


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