
Friday, April 9, 2010

Survivor Insider: You're Going to Get What You Deserve

Stupid Villains!

Tonight's episode opens with the bewildered buffoons' walk of shame around camp after voting out "super all-star" Boston Rob, their greatest (or only?) asset. Talk about morning-after regrets!

Survivor loves the underdog—but without its alpha Rob, can this pack beat the Fierce Five?

Neither Scooby Snacks nor immunity were awarded to the divided, exhausted, "starving" (except for Coach) and demoralized (except for King Russell and Queen Parvati) Villains tribe tonight. So they did the smart thing and voted off...Coach?!

Liars' Remorse: It was exasperating to hear Coach complain that he "did not want Boston Rob out" when he effectively sent him home last week, but it was downright infuriating to hear Danielle say, "This is not fair to keep people in the game that don't have any physical ability at all. And they're actually making us lose." No, Danielle, you made you lose by voting out Awesome Rob (remember, the guy with all the physical ability?) last week. And Tyson before him. Yes, we're keeping count, Danielle, and like Coach, we are utterly pissed off. The Villains got what they deserved tonight. Too bad none of them got dragged around like Chet in tonight's rerun of the Micronesia Immunity challenge.

Dumb All-Girls Alliance: If Russell can play the Heroes without even trying, how much control will he exert after the merge? Well, according to the previews, he persuades J.T. to consider giving him his immunity idol. Dayum! If the Heroes only knew the giant catfight going on at the Villains' camp.

The Spider and the Fly: There might not be a black widow alliance in the Villains tribe, but damned if Sandra hasn't been silently spinning a web these past 18 days—and now the Pearl Islands champ has snared Russell! And what will Queen Parvati say about his fickle vote for Courtney? Most important: Is Russell still the king?


A Villain. Even if there is a merge, the unified Heroes will not vote out one of their own, and they'll add to their numbers via pre-alliances. Sandra won't risk tearing her web with a bold move, so unless she Lady-Macbeths Russell into offing Queen Parv, Courtney's going to the guillotine.

Another Survivor woman scored a victory this week: Cook Islands' Sundra Oakley had a small role on Lost's epic episode. I chatted with her this morning about her short but pivotal scene (you can see for yourself in the clip below), for which they actually flew her out to Hawaii for a week.

Even after auditioning, she didn't know she'd be sharing the screen with two of the show's biggest stars—Henry Ian Cusick and Dominic Monaghan: "When I first got the audition material, [their characters'] names were different," she told us. Filming Lost in Hawaii, Sundra added, was "a golden trip—everything from beginning to end was just magnificent." What, better than Cook Islands? "It was exactly the same!" she joked. "Except instead of having to fish for food, I ate at Nobu." Atta girl!



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