
Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Season 4 of Dexter ended with — SPOILER ALERT for all you slowpokes! — Dexter discovering his wife's dead body. Season 5 (premiering Sept. 26 on Showtime) picks up right in the bloody aftermath, as our serial-killer protagonist (Michael C. Hall, center) must bury Rita and assume the role of single dad — all while battling his guilty conscience. ''By the nature of what he does, people around him tend to get hurt,'' says exec producer Chip Johannessen. ''He denied that all through season 4, and he can't deny it any longer.'' —Dan Snierson

Monday, July 26, 2010

Zac Efron Answers Fan Questions!

Celebrities Spoof Eclipse

Inception Ending: Analysis by WTF - SPOILER ALERT

This is a great analysis for the movie "Inception". If you haven't seen the movie, don't watch it! it's very spoilerish!

Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev leaving their hotel

Vampire Hotties were spotted leaving their hotel yesterday. The two co-stars have been rumored to be dating for a while.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mel Gibson has found a new friend! Britney Spears

Mel Gibson has appeared to find solace and peace knowing that there happens to be one person in the world of entertainment who is more delusional and absurdly off-the-wall than himself. This person is his new counselor and therapist - Britney Spears

The 28-year-old iconic symbol of pop stardom has seemingly taken the 54-year-old raving lunatic under her wing.

The two have been spending considerable amounts of time together, talking, sharing secrets, and most likely paving a straight path to the first documented case of celebrity shared psychotic disorder.

Britney, according to In Touch Weekly, has been telling friends that Mel has been pouring his heart out to her over long, late night phone calls. Gibson is scared for his sanity and terrified about the impact his scandal will have on his career. All things Ms. Spears can relate to.

Friends of Britney have also shared that the main reason Spears is guiding Mr. Gibson is because she feels she owes some sort of debt to him. Back when Britney went through her big breakdown, Mel was her pillar of strength when he went out of his way to help Ms. Spears get back on her feet.

Also, from the chatter of Britney's inner circle, it seems Britney wants the world to give Mel a second chance the way they did for her.

"Vampire Diaries" at Comic Con

Just moments ago the "Vampire Diaries" panel concluded at Comic-Con 2010 and we're here with your minute-by-minute report. Between the laughs, sarcastic comments (cgi abs, anyone?) and uber attractiveness of the cast gracing the stage (Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Michael Trevino, Stephen R. McQueen and Matt Davis. Plus, executive producers/writers Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec), it was hard for us to pick out our favorite part!

4:30pm Marcos Siega, who has directed several episodes (as well as "True Blood" and other shows) moderates. A Season 1 sizzle reel opens the panel.

4:35 Ian's arrival gets the biggest cheer, followed by Paul and Nina.

4:39 Kevin won't give away whether Jeremy is going to be a vampire or not. "It's the whole fun of the return."

4:40 Julie Plec says that Tyler's mom will step in as interim mayor now that her husband is dead. Kevin said fans of the book know about the Lockwood family curse, which Tyler will learn about this season. "His uncle comes to town for the funeral... He may hold a lot of answers."

4:42 "I take my clothes off all the time," Ian says to great cheers as Kevin wonders which cast member should follow suit. The mention of Damon and Elena together, as a possibility, gets huge cheers.

4:43 Kevin said Stefan and Katherine will come face to face in the very first episode. "Katherine is a pimp," proclaims Nina. She said she likes to play "a bad girl" and "break hearts." Kevin says it's "freaky and scary" how good she is as Katherine.

4:44 Paul thinks the temptation for living blood will "never escape" Stefan. Kevin won't say whether he'll turn evil. "I'll teach you Paul," says Ian. HA!

4:45 Ian says "the nice Damon freaks me out. I don't know how to do it well." He said his favorite scenes are "the fun nutty kind of Damon."

4:46 Julie says Paul's hair has "it's own number on the call sheet." Nina adds that it's helicoptered in. Kevin says he has the best abs. Ian says they are "insane." The crowd roars their agreement.

4:48 Does Michael prefer Matt's sister or his mom for Tyler? "Why not both?" When asked "Caroline or Bonnie?," Steve replied, "Caroline" and then quickly tried to change the subject.

4:48 Paul hands Nina a Hershey's kiss. She wouldn't say whether Paul or Ian is a better kisser. "I'm the lucky one. I get to make out with them both."

4:51 Michael says he's scared to death because they don't want his transformation to look corny or to copy any other shows. Kevin says "it's really hard to fake that on a weekly basis," mentioning the werewolf movie he did once. "There will be a transformation. It'll happen. It'll be part of his journey."

4:52 "Anyone I date ends up dying," Steven points out. Kevin says deaths on the show have to come from "a place of good storytelling." He said Anna was going to be a smaller character but they loved her so much they expanded.

4:54 Will Damon turn good or more evil this season? Kevin said it won't be the easy answer.

4:55 Steve would like to see "Jeremy fight back a little more." Julie said his journey is "becoming a man" and figuring out "who you're supposed to be."

4:56 Matt would like his character to have a "filthy, dirty sex scene" with Jenna.

4:58 Paul thinks Stefan "should join a traveling circus." He enjoyed "indulging in the blood." He wants to see him "fulfill that vampire need" once in a while.

4:58 The panel joked about Stefan coming out of the closet.

4:59 "I'd love to do a flashback of Stefan in the 1980s dancing and having fun," Paul said. "I'm serious."

4:59 Nina said she'd like to see Elana "take on Katherine." She said she loves the depth to their characters.

5:00 Ian said he'd like to see flashbacks of Damon's past as well. "Front and center at a Rolling Stones concert in '69." He'd also like to see Damon get Stefan's bedroom.

5:00 Michael wants Tyler to have more time in the scripts (audience reply: awww). "It'd be funny to see some Lockwood ancestors fighting the Salvatores."

5:00 Julie and Kevin said there will be a lot more flashbacks in Season 2.

5:02 A fan asked Nina which Salvatore brother is more attractive. "Stefan is very attractive because he is protective and loves Elana unconditionally. And Damon is very attractive because he's fun and spontaneous." Paul declares that Stefan has bigger fangs.

5:03 The next fan asks which of the guys is least like their characters. "Paul is a down to earth, fun, chill guy," Nina answers. "Ian is exactly like his character." The two guys said they love making fun of each other on the show and in real life.

5:06 Ian said "I can't judge Damon" because that's bad for an actor to do. "It's an interesting journey with this Damon guy."

5:08 Nina joked, "we are actually vampires" when asked about how the special effects work.

5:09 Marcos said the fangs aren't digital. Kevin said they are careful not to show the guys talking with their fangs in.

5:10 Nina said they have black dots on their faces for the post production process. Paul said they used to wear contact lenses but the eyes are CGI now. Marcos said the hardest thing to paint in CGI "are their abs" to big laughs.

5:11 "You guys rock! Thank you!" Nina tells the crowd. Paul points out how many more people are here than last year.

5:12 Paul would love to play Damon for a minute. A fan asks Paul for the name card in front of him -- and he gives it to her! To huge applause, no less. We're wondering how much that will go for on eBay next week!

5:13 Kevin makes a surprise announcement! They wrapped the first episode yesterday and they put together a taste of the Sept 9 premiere for Comic-Con! In the clips, Katherine tells Damon she never loved him and tells Stefan she came back for HIM. "The problem, Katherine, is that I hate you," Stefan says to her. She stabs him in the stomach and tells him "that sounds like the beginning of a love story, not the ending."